About me
Bachelor Degree Diploma in Sports & Leisure Management with excellent grade for my research thesis work "The effects of Weight Training on Women"
Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training
Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instruction
Level 1 Precision Nutrition Coaching Certification
My name is Vanya and I was born in sunny Bulgaria. I moved to Finland where I got my Bachelor degree in Sports Science. Later, in the UK I also obtained Diploma in Personal Training. After several years of coaching experience in the UK I have moved to Zurich to continue to do what I love most.
As a person I am quite simple. I like a nice cappuccino and Latin music. I love traveling and hiking, gardening, reading. Also doing hand crafts and chilling with friends.
I always loved the feeling after a good workout, the feeling that I've done something my future self would thank me for. I wanted to learn more about body mechanics and how our bodies can move safely and optimally. Therefore I put big emphasis on correct form during exercise. Seeing the results which training had on my mind and body, it became a passion I wanted to share with others.
I believe that everybody deserves to see their body in its best state of fitness and health. I am committed and supportive to my clients. Their goal is my goal.